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What Can I Recover if I Win My Injury Lawsuit or Case?

In most cases, there’s a difference between a case and a lawsuit. Your claim is first with the insurance company. Many times, claims are resolved directly with the insurance company.

Now, the time period for a claim to resolve, it depends on how long it takes you to either complete your medical treatment or get to a place that the doctors many times call maximum medical improvement, which means the point in time where they can forecast your future. At that point in time, there’s a reasonable way to calculate what your damages are so that you’re in position to conclude your claim. Now, if a lawsuit needs to be filed, from the date a lawsuit is filed, in this area, typically, the case would be concluded in a period of 12 to 18 months. Now remember, that can always vary, and there could always be appeals after that that could take even longer. But generally, that’s the time frame for one.

I would like to take time to thank the staff at Daggett Shuler Attorneys at Law. To Megan Youngblood for helping me get my disability started; thank you so much for everything!

Olivia Winston