"Fighting for those injured through the negligence of others."
Ben chose to practice law to bring justice to those injured by the wrongful acts of others. Fueled by his commitment to helping others, Ben has developed a diverse civil litigation practice focusing on personal injury, workers' compensation, and employment law. Through this diverse practice, he has represented clients on a range of issues, including claims of race, sex, disability, pregnancy, sexual harassment, and genetic discrimination in the workplace. He has also represented whistleblowers, clients under the False Claims Act, and clients with retaliation claims under state and federal law. He has also represented state and local government employees subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA).
Ben is a 2018 graduate of the North Carolina Bar Association Leadership Academy, the 2022 president of the Forsyth County Bar Association-Young Lawyers’ Division, and a 2023 North Carolina Advocates for Justice NEXT Leadership Program class graduate.
With extensive experience in Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, and Employment Law, Ben Winikoff also brings the unique experience of having served in the US Army Reserve JAG Corps to Daggett Shuler.
A Double Deacon, Ben graduated from Wake Forest University School of Law (2015) after completing his undergraduate studies at Wake Forest. Ben has spent his practice fighting for those injured, discriminated against, or wrongfully terminated by others.
Ben is not only passionate about the practice of law, he also is passionate about the community he lives in. He has served on several boards, currently serving on the MUSE Winston-Salem Board of Directors, an organization dedicated to uniting our community through a deeper understating of our history. Ben lives in Winston-Salem with his wife and two children.
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Contact the attorneys at Daggett Shuler today for a free, no-obligation consultation. You can depend on us.