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Time to Give!

Winston-Salem, NC. January 16, 2013.

Donating blood saves lives.  Each donated pint of blood can help up to three people.   It is a great feeling to know that you are helping others.  A blood donation truly is a “gift of life” that a healthy individual can give to others in their community who are sick or injured.

January is designated as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month.  Every year, the Red Cross celebrates the 9 million donors who annually give an average of 16 million units of blood.  Also, during this month the Red Cross encourages new donors to step up and join the ranks of those giving life to their neighbors. As you can see in the picture above, David Daggett donates blood on a consistent basis in Winston-Salem.

According to the Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood.  And contrary to many people’s thinking, donated blood is not only used in emergencies.  Donated blood is also used in treatment for sickle cell disease, for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment; components of blood are used to treat various blood disorders.

We have six Red Cross Chapters across the Triad, so the opportunity to donate blood is at every turn.  Find a location near you and donate this month and throughout the year!  You just might save a life!

The American Red Cross of the Carolinas

I would like to take time to thank the staff at Daggett Shuler Attorneys at Law. To Megan Youngblood for helping me get my disability started; thank you so much for everything!

Olivia Winston