Asheboro Truck Accident Attorneys

When driving, even if you take all necessary precautions and follow all traffic rules, unfortunately some drivers do not, and those drivers can pose a risk to you and the passengers in your vehicle. No matter how safe you are, there is always a risk that you can be involved in a car accident at any given time on the road.

If you are injured in a tractor-trailer accident, it is important to document the events surrounding the accident. Your observations, photos, relevant eyewitness accounts, doctor diagnosis, and more are essential elements of your truck accident claim. One of the experienced North Carolina truck accident lawyers from Daggett Shuler can obtain this information to help prove your case against the negligent party of the truck accident.


  • Trucks often weigh 20 to 30 times more than passenger cars.
  • In 2014, 3,903 people died in large truck crashes
  • 111,000 people were injured in big rig accidents.
  • Only 17% of the fatalities in truck accidents were the truck occupants
  • 73% of fatalities were people in cars and other passenger vehicles
  • 10% fatalities involving big trucks were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.
  • Every 16 minutes, another person in the United States will die or be injured in a truck accident.
  • In 2014, 438,000 large trucks were involved in traffic accidents in the United States.
  • In North Carolina alone in 2014, there were 111 large trucks involved in reported traffic accidents resulting in a total of 121 motorist fatalities statewide.

Call Us For A Free, No Obligation Case Evaluation Today.

During your free consultation, we will discuss with you the details of your accident claim, work injury or disability matter. There are many variables that go into determining if you have a valid claim to compensation and/or benefits.

  • How did the accident or situation happen? Who was at fault?
  • Did you require medical attention in the emergency room or were you hospitalized?
  • How long will you be out of work and will you be able to return to the same position?
  • Do you have medical bills, doctors notes, lost wages?
  • Are there police reports, witness statements and were any tickets given at the accident scene?

Asheboro Resources: 

Town of Asheboro is located in Randolph County and is part of the Piedmont Triad, an area that includes Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem. Ashboro has a population of approximately 25,000. Asheboro is the proud home of the North Carolina Zoo, one of the world’s largest natural habitat zoos and home to over one thousand animals representing the continents of North America and Africa.

North Carolina Judicial Branch – Here is an overview of the court system for North Carolina, including resources for career opportunities, publications, and more.

North Carolina Bar Association – The North Carolina Bar Association is a voluntary statewide organization composed of more than 20,000 lawyers, judges, paralegals and law students.

At Daggett Shuler, you can depend on us.