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What to Do if You’re Hit by a Drunk Driver


Auto accidents are destructive, but they can be downright devastating when it’s with a drunk driver. Chances are, you’ve heard about someone getting hit by a drunk driver. However, when it happens to you, your world could be turned upside down in seconds. Here’s what you should know if you’re the victim of a drunk driving accident.

What to Do Immediately After Getting Hit by a Drunk Driver

Check for injuries. Ensure that you and any passengers are ok. Keep in mind that not all injuries are visible, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to check for any potential internal injuries.

Call 911 right away. First responders will arrive to address any immediate issues, and police officers will be present to file a police report.

Obtain insurance and contact information. Have the police help you exchange information with the other driver, namely the driver’s full name, license number, license plate number, and insurance details.

Gather witnesses. Ensure that you get the names and contact information of the people who saw the crash.

Document the scene. If possible, take photos and videos of the crash scene, including the cars, street signs, and traffic signals. However, be careful not to interfere with the police investigation, as this could be a serious crime scene.

Consider contacting a dedicated DWI attorney. A personal injury lawyer will deal with the insurance companies, obtain evidence, and fight for the compensation and justice you deserve.

North Carolina Drunk Driving Laws

In North Carolina, driving drunk is considered a DWI – driving while intoxicated. The most common way DWIs are determined is by blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

If you’re 21 or older, your BAC limit is 0.08%.

For commercial drivers, it is 0.04%.

For drivers under 21, any BAC is a DWI offense, as North Carolina is a “zero tolerance” state.

North Carolina’s sentencing structure for drunk drivers is complex, with penalties based on different offense levels. You can find out more regarding these laws from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety.

We’re Here for DWI Victims in The Triad

If a drunk driver strikes you or a loved one, we’re here to help pick up the pieces. Unfortunately, the impact of a drunk driving accident continues after the initial crash, as you still need to prove that the other driver was entirely at fault. This could add insult to injury.

The drunk driving accident attorneys at Daggett Shuler will protect your rights as we stand up for you and your family. We will secure the compensation, answers, and justice that you deserve. So speak with us for free today. You can depend on Daggett Shuler.

Contact us today by submitting a form below or calling our office at 336-724-1234 for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.

I would like to take time to thank the staff at Daggett Shuler Attorneys at Law. To Megan Youngblood for helping me get my disability started; thank you so much for everything!

Olivia Winston