daggett shuler backpack program

Spotlight with David Daggett: The 2022 Backpack Program


Who doesn’t love a new beginning? New Year’s resolutions, new training programs, new races, and especially starting lines at Triathlons! One of the best new beginnings for our young people is the start of a new school year. Please join me in cheering on our students as they begin another year of school! The start…

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Spotlight With David Daggett: The 2021 Backpack Program


It’s back-to-school time! The start of the school year is very influential for our young people.  Research shows that a positive start can change a life forever. I know we were all hoping for a totally normal start to the school year, but as we all know, we need to make the best of the…

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Spotlight with David Daggett: The Daggett Shuler Backpack Program


2020 continues to upend the norms that we all have become accustomed to, and that is especially true of the school year. Who can remember the last time that students were first headed to the classroom in late October? Though the back-to-school season didn’t look the same this year, it is up to all of…

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