Purchasing a life insurance policy is an investment in the financial security of your loved ones in the event of your death. When you purchase life insurance, you do so under the assumption that your family will collect the benefits of your plan in a timely fashion after you pass away. Shockingly, recent investigations by […]
Purchasing a life insurance policy is an investment in the financial security of your loved ones in the event of your death. When you purchase life insurance, you do so under the assumption that your family will collect the benefits of your plan in a timely fashion after you pass away.
Shockingly, recent investigations by 60 Minutes as well as other news outlets revealed that many life insurance policy holders have had their claims unfairly denied by the insurance companies. These investigations have revealed that billions of dollars in life insurance claims are being denied, or remain uncollected, every year.
Life insurance benefits can be purchased either through individual policies, through an employer, or through any other sort of specialty life insurance product. Families rely on these benefits after the death of a loved one, which makes it all the more unfortunate when claims to life insurance benefits are denied.
At Daggett Shuler Law, we handle life insurance claims and work to secure the life insurance benefits you deserve. Below are a few points to keep in mind:
At Daggett Shuler Law, we understand the emotional and financial impact of dealing with a claim for life insurance benefits. Our North Carolina Life Insurance attorneys have extensive experience handling these types of claims.
We know that dealing with the loss of a loved one is an experience that can change your entire life, and at Daggett Shuler we will fight hard to ensure that the insurance company pays the benefits that are due.
If you have questions about filing a claim for life insurance benefits, or if your life insurance benefits have been denied, call Daggett Shuler Law today at 336-724-1234. When you call, one of our caring, dedicated attorneys will review every detail of your situation at no cost to you and help provide the answers you seek.
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