Biking can be an extremely exciting and healthy activity for anyone, but it can also be dangerous. Each year in the U.S., bike-related crashes are responsible for approximately 800 fatalities and more than 500,000 injuries. That’s why it is imperative that any time you ride a bike, you wear a proper helmet. Without a helmet, […]
Biking can be an extremely exciting and healthy activity for anyone, but it can also be dangerous. Each year in the U.S., bike-related crashes are responsible for approximately 800 fatalities and more than 500,000 injuries. That’s why it is imperative that any time you ride a bike, you wear a proper helmet.
Without a helmet, your head is extremely vulnerable to injury. Because of this, many states have laws requiring them. Wearing a bike helmet reduces the risk of serious head and brain injury by 85 percent.
When you wear a helmet during a crash or a fall, the surface of the helmet allows the area of impact to be spread over a larger area, as opposed to a more concentrated area of your head. Helmets are lined with thick plastic foam called polystyrene and have hard outer shells, which help to protect the head by cushioning it. Your helmet should be replaced with a new one after a crash.
While helmets come in a variety of styles, the most important thing is that you select a helmet that meets the standard of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Look for stickers or labels in the helmet that say CPSC. All helmets manufactured after March 1999 are legally required to meet CPSC standards. Other labels such as “ASTM,” “ANSI,” and “Snell,” also meet CPSC standards. Additionally, it is important that you try the helmet on, as it should be:
Helmets should be purchased for what fits you right now, so if you are purchasing a helmet for a child, do not buy one that they can “grow into.” This is especially important as young children are more susceptible to head injuries. Their heads are proportionally larger, their centers of gravity are higher, and their coordination is not yet fully developed. Helmets should also be worn by children on tricycles and scooters.
An Experienced Injury Attorney Can Help
If you or a loved one has experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury in a bike accident or other situation, it can greatly impact many aspects of your life and the lives of those who care for you. That’s why it is so important to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney. The qualified Attorneys at Daggett Shuler can help. Call us at 336-724-1234 for a free consultation.
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