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Childcare and Daycare Accident Lawyer | Legal help from Personal Injury Attorneys

Daycares and child care facilities are supposed to be safe places for children to grow and develop. However, not all daycares are created equal and some do not adhere to the high standards parents expect for their children. If your child has been injured due to negligence, turn to the Daycare Accident Lawyers at Daggett Shuler to get the justice your family deserves.

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Daycare injuries are a parent's worst nightmare

Daycares and childcare facilities are intended to be nurturing environments where children can learn, grow, and play safely. Unfortunately, not all daycares uphold the standards of care and safety that parents expect and deserve. Some facilities may neglect important safety protocols, leading to preventable accidents and injuries that can have serious, long-lasting effects on young children.

If your child has suffered an injury due to negligence at a daycare, itโ€™s crucial to seek the support and guidance of professionals who understand the ins and outs of these cases. The Daycare Accident Lawyers at Daggett Shuler know how to advocate for families impacted by such incidents. With a deep understanding of the laws surrounding childcare and safety regulations, we can help you navigate the legal landscape and ensure that your rights are protected.

Our dedicated team will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your childโ€™s injury, gathering evidence and documentation to build a strong case. We will hold the daycare accountable for their actions, whether it involves inadequate supervision, unsafe facilities, or failure to train staff properly. Our goal is to secure the justice and compensation your family deserves for the pain and suffering youโ€™ve endured.

By partnering with us, you can focus on your childโ€™s recovery while we handle the legal complexities. We are committed to advocating for your familyโ€™s best interests and ensuring that your child receives the care and support they need to heal. Donโ€™t hesitate to reach out to the Daycare Accident Lawyers at Daggett Shuler; let us help you seek the justice your family deserves in this challenging time.

Every day, children sustain preventable injuries in daycares like:

  • Assault
  • Broken bones
  • Bruising
  • Drowning
  • Electrocution
  • Eye injuries
  • Poisoning
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Sexual assault

Daycare Accident Lawyers Defending Your Family's Rights

Sending a child to a daycare is already an emotional event for a parent. They must surrender control and trust that the program will keep their child safe and secure. So, when a child is injured at a daycare, trust is broken, and the result can be devastating. Unfortunately, not all daycares live up to their expectations, and they can hurt a child instead of helping them learn and grow.

These events are a parentโ€™s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, this can be a reality for some North Carolina families. A daycare injury lawyer is crucial to bringing their case to justice and ensuring such a tragic event never happens again. Many different scenarios come into play to lead to daycare workers committing these despicable acts, including:

  • Negligent retention of an employee
  • Negligent supervision
  • Negligent staff

At Daggett Shuler, weโ€™re not just daycare injury lawyers; weโ€™re also parents. We know you would do anything to ensure your childโ€™s health and safety, so when that is compromised, we will do everything it takes to bring your case to justice. Thatโ€™s our promise to the families of the Triad community.

After an accident due to someone elseโ€™s negligence, you need experienced daycare injury lawyers to help protect your rights. Our mission is to help you recover your health, well-being, and peace of mind after a serious injury by providing quality representation and holding the negligent party accountable.

Every day, children in daycares face the risk of preventable injuries that can have serious and lasting effects. These incidents can range from physical harm to emotional trauma. Some of the most concerning types of injuries include:

  • Assault: Children may be subjected to physical altercations with peers or even caregivers, leading to emotional distress and physical harm.

  • Broken bones: Play equipment or rough play can result in fractures, which not only cause pain but also require medical treatment and time away from normal activities.

  • Bruising: Bumps and falls can lead to bruises, which, while often minor, can indicate more serious underlying issues or unsafe environments.

  • Drowning: Even in shallow water, a lack of supervision can lead to drowning incidents, making vigilance essential for safety around water.

  • Electrocution: Unprotected electrical outlets or improper use of electrical devices can pose serious risks, leading to severe injuries.

  • Eye injuries: Sharp objects, chemicals, or other hazards can result in eye injuries that might have lasting consequences for a childโ€™s vision.

  • Poisoning: Accidental ingestion of harmful substances, such as cleaning products or medications, is a significant risk if safety precautions are not taken.

  • Traumatic brain injury: Falls or collisions can lead to concussions or other brain injuries, which may have profound effects on a child's development and well-being.

  • Sexual assault: Unfortunately, children can also be vulnerable to inappropriate behaviors from caregivers or peers, resulting in long-term emotional and psychological harm.

Addressing these risks through improved safety measures, training, and supervision is crucial to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children in daycare settings.

What to Do If Your Child Was Injured at A Daycare

If your child was injured at a daycare, here are steps you should take:

Ensure Immediate Care

Assess the severity of the injury. If it's serious, seek medical attention right away. For minor injuries, clean and treat them appropriately at home.

Document the Incident

Write down details about what happened, including date, time, location, and any witnesses. Take photos of the injury if applicable.

Notify the Daycare

Inform the daycare staff about the incident as soon as possible. Get a written account from them regarding what occurred.

Request an Incident Report

Many daycares have a protocol for documenting injuries. Ask for a copy of any incident report filed.

Follow Up with Medical Professionals

If necessary, schedule a visit to your childโ€™s pediatrician for a check-up and to discuss any concerns you have about the injury.

Communicate with Other Parents

If appropriate, talk to other parents to see if their children experienced similar issues, which may indicate a larger problem.

Review Daycare Policies

Familiarize yourself with the daycareโ€™s policies regarding injuries and safety protocols to understand their procedures.

Consider Your Options

If you feel the daycare is not handling the situation properly or if you believe there was negligence, consult with a lawyer who specializes in child injury cases.

Stay Engaged

Keep communication open with your child. Talk about their feelings and experiences to ensure they feel safe and supported.

Evaluate the Environment

After addressing the immediate concerns, consider whether the daycare is the right fit for your child going forward. Look for signs of inadequate supervision or unsafe conditions.

Your child's safety and well-being are the top priority, so taking these steps can help ensure they receive the care and support they need.

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Know Your Rights as a Parent of a Child Injured at a Daycare

As a parent of a child who was injured in a daycare accident, you have several rights, including:

You have the right to seek immediate medical attention for your childโ€™s injuries and to receive updates on their condition.

You have the right to receive detailed information about the incident, including how it happened, the circumstances surrounding it, and any actions taken by the daycare staff.

You can request a copy of the daycareโ€™s incident report, which documents what occurred and the responses taken.

You have the right to communicate openly with the daycare about your concerns and to receive timely updates on your childโ€™s well-being.

You have the right to expect a safe environment for your child, including proper supervision and adherence to safety regulations.

You can ask about the daycareโ€™s safety protocols, staff training, and procedures for handling injuries and emergencies.

If you believe there was negligence involved, you may have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other related costs. This may involve working with an attorney.

If you feel that the daycare is unsafe or not adequately addressing your concerns, you have the right to withdraw your child and seek alternative childcare options.

You can seek emotional and psychological support for your child if the incident has affected their well-being.

You have the right to advocate for your childโ€™s needs and to push for improvements in safety practices at the daycare.

Understanding these rights can help you navigate the situation effectively and ensure your child's needs are met.

Navigating Your Daycare Accident Claim

Filing a lawsuit after your child is injured at daycare involves several steps. Hereโ€™s a general outline of the process:

1. Seek Medical Attention. Ensure your child receives the necessary medical care for their injuries.

2. Document the Incident. Gather evidence related to the injury, including photographs, medical records, incident reports, and witness statements.

3. Consult a Lawyer. Speak with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in daycare accidents. They can assess your case and provide guidance on the next steps.

4. Initial Investigation. Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence, including reviewing daycare policies and safety procedures.

5. Determine Liability. The lawyer will help establish who is at faultโ€”this could be the daycare, individual staff members, or others involved.

6. Gather Evidence. Collect all relevant documentation, such as medical bills, therapy records, and any correspondence with the daycare.

7. File a Claim. Your lawyer will prepare and file a formal complaint in the appropriate court. This document outlines the details of the case, including the basis for the lawsuit and the compensation sought.

8. Serve the Defendants. The daycare and any other responsible parties must be formally notified of the lawsuit, typically through a process called โ€œservice of process.โ€

9. Engage in Discovery. Both parties will exchange information and evidence during the discovery phase, which may involve depositions, interrogatories, and document requests.

10. Negotiate a Settlement. Many cases are settled before trial. Your lawyer will negotiate with the daycareโ€™s insurance company to seek fair compensation for your childโ€™s injuries.

11. Trial (if necessary). If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may proceed to trial, where both sides present their arguments and evidence to a judge or jury.

12. Post-Trial Actions. If you win, the court will issue a judgment. If you lose, you may have the option to appeal the decision, depending on the circumstances.

Additional Considerations

  • Statute of Limitations: Be mindful of the time limits for filing a lawsuit, which vary by state.

  • Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of all medical treatments, expenses, and communications related to the injury.

Consulting with a lawyer early in the process can help ensure that you navigate the legal system effectively and protect your childโ€™s rights.

Common Causes of Accidents at Daycares

Common causes of daycare accidents can include:

  1. Lack of Supervision: Insufficient staff-to-child ratios can lead to accidents during playtime or transitions.

  2. Unsafe Play Equipment: Damaged or improperly maintained playground equipment can pose risks of injury.

  3. Slips and Falls: Wet floors, clutter, or uneven surfaces can lead to trips and falls.

  4. Inadequate Safety Precautions: Failure to childproof the environment, such as not securing electrical outlets or storing hazardous materials out of reach.

  5. Improperly Trained Staff: Staff lacking training in child safety and emergency procedures may not respond appropriately to accidents.

  6. Interpersonal Conflicts: Aggressive behavior among children, such as pushing or hitting, can result in injuries.

  7. Vehicle Accidents: Injuries can occur during drop-off or pick-up times if proper safety measures arenโ€™t followed.

  8. Exposure to Hazardous Materials: Accidental ingestion of cleaning supplies, medications, or other toxic substances can lead to poisoning.

  9. Inadequate Emergency Procedures: Lack of clear protocols for responding to accidents or medical emergencies can exacerbate situations.

  10. Unsafe Outdoor Areas: Unfenced play areas or proximity to traffic can increase the risk of injuries.

By being aware of these common causes, parents and daycare providers can work together to improve safety and prevent accidents.

How a Daycare Accident Lawyer Can Help

A lawyer can provide invaluable support after your child is injured in a daycare accident in several ways:

  1. Legal Knowledge: A lawyer understands the laws and regulations surrounding childcare facilities. They will assess whether the daycare was negligent and if you have a viable case.

  2. Investigation: Your lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. This may involve gathering evidence, obtaining medical records, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing the daycareโ€™s safety protocols.

  3. Documentation: An attorney will help you compile all necessary documentation, such as incident reports, medical bills, and any other relevant records that support your case.

  4. Liability Assessment: A lawyer will determine who may be liable for the injuryโ€”whether itโ€™s the daycare staff, the facility itself, or even a third partyโ€”helping to establish accountability.

  5. Negotiation: Your lawyer will negotiate with the daycare's insurance company to seek a fair settlement for your childโ€™s medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. They can advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive adequate compensation.

  6. Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, a lawyer will represent you in court, presenting your case to a judge and jury and fighting for your childโ€™s rights.

  7. Emotional Support: Dealing with a child's injury can be emotionally challenging. A lawyer will provide guidance and support throughout the legal process, helping to alleviate some of the stress.

  8. Focus on Recovery: With a lawyer handling the legal aspects of your case, you can concentrate on your childโ€™s recovery and well-being, knowing that you have someone advocating for your familyโ€™s best interests.

  9. Future Protection: A successful case can not only provide compensation for your child's injuries but can also help enforce higher safety standards in daycare facilities, benefiting other children as well.

  10. Understanding of Damages: Your lawyer can help you understand the full range of damages you might be entitled to, including medical expenses, therapy costs, emotional distress, and any long-term care needs.

Having a skilled lawyer on your side can make a significant difference in navigating the aftermath of a daycare accident, ensuring that your family receives the justice and support you deserve.

Types of Compensation You Could Be Entitled to

After your child is injured in a daycare accident, you may be entitled to various types of compensation, depending on the circumstances of the injury. Common forms of compensation include:

Coverage for all medical bills related to the injury, including hospital visits, surgeries, medication, physical therapy, and any necessary follow-up care.

Compensation for ongoing medical treatment or therapy your child may need as a result of the injury, including long-term care.

Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress your child experiences due to the injury.

If you had to take time off work to care for your child, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages during that time.

Compensation for the emotional impact on your child and family, including anxiety, depression, or behavioral changes stemming from the accident.

Coverage for any rehabilitation or therapy services required to help your child recover.

If the injury impacts your child's ability to learn or function in a typical school environment, you may seek compensation for special education services or resources.

If the injury results in a long-term disability, compensation may be available for home modifications or special equipment needed for accessibility.

Compensation for the negative impact on your child's ability to participate in activities they once enjoyed.

In cases of extreme negligence or intentional harm, you may be eligible for punitive damages, which are designed to punish the responsible party and deter future misconduct.

Each case is unique, so the specific compensation available will depend on the details of the incident and its aftermath. Consulting with a knowledgeable lawyer can help you better understand your entitlements and pursue the compensation your family deserves.

Daycare Injury Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions from parents whose children were injured at daycare and are considering filing a lawsuit:

Ensure your child receives medical attention, document the incident, notify the daycare, and gather evidence like photos and witness accounts.

A lawyer can assess the details of the incident, including negligence, safety protocols, and the daycareโ€™s compliance with regulations.

You may be entitled to medical expenses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, and other damages related to your child's injury.

Statutes of limitations vary by state, but itโ€™s important to act quickly to preserve evidence and ensure your rights are protected.

Even minor injuries can have lasting effects. Consulting a lawyer can help you determine if pursuing a claim is appropriate.

In most cases, children do not testify. Lawyers often work to settle cases outside of court to avoid putting children through that process.

A lawyer can help you gather evidence and build a case to establish negligence, regardless of the daycareโ€™s initial response.

Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case.

The process typically involves an investigation, filing a complaint, discovery, negotiation, and possibly trial if a settlement cannot be reached.

The timeline varies significantly based on the complexity of the case, but many cases can take several months to a few years to resolve.

Important evidence can include medical records, incident reports, photographs, witness statements, and daycare policies.

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to pursue claims against individual staff members in addition to the daycare facility.

Even accidents can be subject to legal claims if negligence or unsafe conditions contributed to the incident.

Injuries can have long-term effects on physical, emotional, and educational development, and compensation can help cover future needs.

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Speak With a Daycare Injury Lawyer at Daggett Shuler for Free

At Daggett Shuler, we understand that your childโ€™s safety and well-being are your top priorities. When accidents occur in daycare settings, it can be both heartbreaking and overwhelming. Our dedicated team of experienced daycare accident lawyers is here to help you navigate the complexities of the legal process and ensure that your family receives the justice and compensation you deserve.

We are committed to advocating for your childโ€™s rights and holding negligent parties accountable. If your child has been injured due to unsafe conditions, lack of supervision, or any form of negligence, reach out to us. We offer compassionate, personalized legal guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Let us help you focus on what matters mostโ€”your childโ€™s recoveryโ€”while we handle the legal details. Contact Daggett Shuler today for a free consultation. Together, we can work towards securing a brighter and safer future for your family.

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I would like to take time to thank the staff at Daggett Shuler Attorneys at Law. To Megan Youngblood for helping me get my disability started; thank you so much for everything!

Olivia Winston


My experience with Daggett Shuler was amazing. James Cohn was the attorney I worked with for my workersโ€™ compensation claim. He is an awesome attorney. I was injured while on the job performing my duties with a local company, and the next Monday was fired because they did not want to pay my medical bills. After going to Daggett Shuler they looked after me throughout the process. The Daggett Shuler team was outstanding in their professionalism and empathy.

Dow Hines

Daggett Shuler Will Have Your Back

I was expecting it to take years to get disability and Daggett Shuler went above and beyond to get it as quickly as possible. They got the disability awarded in 6 maybe 8 months tops. I would recommend Daggett Shuler to anyone filing a disability claim. These guys will have your back for sure!

Noah Whittington

Made the Process Easy

From the time I called to the time everything was settled, Daggett Shuler made the whole process very easy. Griff was my attorney; he was very professional and handled my case very well. Iโ€™d recommend them for anyone in need of this service.

Lance Starling

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My wife got approved for social security disability in 6 months with no appeals or denials. These guys are totally awesome. Totally recommend them for anything.

Steve Yates

Made the Process Easy

I was referred to Daggett Shuler by a family member and Iโ€™m glad they did! From the time I called to the time everything was settled, they made the whole process very easy They were very professional and handled my case very well. Iโ€™d recommend Daggett Shuler for anyone in need of this service.

Lance Starling

Went Above and Beyond

I have had really low vision my whole life and recently got to the point to where I couldnโ€™t work anymore. I was expecting it to take years to get disability and they went above and beyond to get it as quickly as possible. I would recommend Daggett Shuler to anyone filing a disability claim. These guys will have your back for sure! I wouldnโ€™t trust anyone else with your claim! Seriouslyโ€ฆ These guys are the best.

Noah Whittington

Outstanding Team

I was injured while on the job performing my duties with a local company, and the next Monday was fired because they did not want to pay my medical bills. After going to Daggett Shuler and being accepted for my claim, they took me in as family and looked after me throughout the process. The Daggett Shuler team was outstanding in their professionalism and empathy. David Daggett and Griff Shuler have put together an outstanding team.

Dow Hines

Very Helpful

Everyone was very helpful with my case, any questions I had were answered quickly and I could tell they really had my best interest in mind always.

Brittany Revalee

Fantastic Experience

I had a fantastic experience with Daggett Shuler. The dedication and professionalism shown throughout the process were truly remarkable. The way you handled every aspect of my situation put me at ease and instilled confidence in the outcome. Iโ€™m grateful for the expertise and support you provided. Thank you for your outstanding service!

Mansour Mansour

Couldn't Be More Pleased

A wonderful law firm who personally takes care of your issues. Workersโ€™ Comp can be a nightmare in so many ways so it is good to have an exceptional attorney with that experience guiding you through the process. Griff Shuler was my attorney and I couldnโ€™t be more pleased with the way he handled my case.

Pat Bovender

Awesome Staff

Awesome staff and very friendly. Took care of my needs without hesitation and helpful in every aspect! Thank you guys for all your hard work!

Cameron Dahmer

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