Don't Lose Out OnFull Compensation Because You Handled Your Own Truck Accident Claim!

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When DIY Doesn't Pay Off

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to “do it yourself,” like changing a tire. But it’s never a good idea to DIY a truck accident claim. Cases involving a crash with a tractor-trailer are very complicated, serious, and require experienced truck accident attorneys to make things right.

Trucking companies have their own insurance and legal team, and you need a qualified legal team on your side as well. At Daggett Shuler, we know the ins and outs of truck accident law and know how to take on the insurance companies. Call us today for a free consultation – we won’t get paid until you do.

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What’s at Risk if I File My Own Claim?

After a truck accident, filing your insurance claim alone can result in negative consequences. This can include:

  • Missing out on the total compensation you’re owed. Your insurance company may rush you into accepting too low of a settlement. In fact, insurance adjusters use manipulation tactics to turn your claim against you, to pay out as little as possible.
  • Difficulty receiving the appropriate medical care. If you accept a lowball settlement from the insurance company, it unfortunately may not cover the proper treatment for your injuries. This could adversely affect the care you’re able to receive. You could also have medical issues from the accident that manifest later that may not be covered.
  • Lost wages and income. Your return to work may be delayed, and you may have difficulty making ends meet with missed checks.

You could lose time and money when you pursue a truck accident claim without a skilled attorney. Speak with the experienced truck accident lawyers at Daggett Shuler for free today. We will never charge a fee unless we win.

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You Deserve

Why Should I Hire A Truck Accident Lawyer?

An experienced truck accident lawyer can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your truck accident claim in many ways. These include:

  • Providing legal expertise. Truck accident cases can be complex due to the involvement of commercial vehicles, specific regulations, and multiple parties. An attorney specializing in truck accident cases will deeply understand the laws, regulations, and industry standards that apply to these cases.
  • Thoroughly investigating your case. Truck accidents often require thorough investigations to determine liability. A skilled attorney will know how to gather crucial evidence such as accident reports, black box data, maintenance records, and witness testimonies to build a strong case.
  • Determining liability. In truck accidents, liability can extend beyond just the truck driver. The trucking company, manufacturer, maintenance crews, and more could be involved. An attorney can help identify all potentially liable parties and hold them accountable.
  • Maximizing compensation. Tractor-trailer accidents can result in especially severe injuries and damages. An attorney can help ensure that you receive the maximum compensation you're entitled to, including compensation for medical bills, lost wages, future medical care, pain and suffering, and more.
  • Avoiding mistakes Making mistakes early in the process, such as giving a recorded statement without legal guidance, could be detrimental to your case. A truck accident attorney can advise you on what to do and what not to do to protect your rights for your best chance at obtaining full and fair compensation and peace of mind.

What To Do After a Truck Accident

  • Stop and remove your vehicle from the way of traffic, if possible.
  • Call 911 and report the crash and obtain a copy of the accident report as soon as possible.
  • Seek medical attention even if you feel “fine.” Keep a record of all appointments and expenses and be sure to follow your treatment plan.
  • Document evidence of the scene by collecting information such as license plate numbers and taking photos and videos of the crash site.
  • Collect contact information of all parties involved and witnesses, including their names, phone numbers, and addresses.

What NOT To Do After a Truck Accident

  • Admit fault in any way.
  • Provide statements, written or verbal, to your insurance company. Insurance adjusters are trained to manipulate what you say against you in an attempt to minimize your claim.
  • Sign paperwork before consulting a trustworthy truck accident lawyer.
  • Handle your insurance claim yourself. This could cost you time, money, and your peace of mind.

If you have been injured in a tractor-trailer accident in North Carolina, the most important thing you can do is consult now with one of the experienced truck accident lawyers at Daggett Shuler.


Truck accident statistics in North Carolina and the United States

There are currently more than 5.5 million tractor-trailers registered for use in the United States. Unfortunately, risk factors, including driver error, driver fatigue, equipment failure, and improper loading, can make these vehicles a potential hazard to other motorists. As truckers try to drive on overcrowded highways, the results can be catastrophic.

A car hit by a tractor trailer where the victim needs a truck accident lawyer.

In 2021, a total of 523,796 truck accidents occurred across the U.S. with:

  • 310,000 causing property damage
  • 101,000 causing injury
  • 4,444 causing fatalities
  • Trucks often weigh 20 to 30 times more than passenger cars
  • Over 16,300 truck crashes were reported in North Carolina
  • Fatal truck accidents are most likely to happen in rural areas
  • Only 6% of truck drivers are women
  • Most truck accidents are due to sudden or unstable lane changes
  • Impairment such as drowsy driving, alcohol use, or illness are the second leading cause


Unfortunately, a truck accident case is not simply a big car accident. They are highly complex cases that involve a web of state, federal, and sometimes international regulations that require a lawyer with extensive experience in this area. With so much at stake, you can’t afford to pursue a truck accident claim alone. Call us instead. A North Carolina truck accident lawyer at Daggett Shuler can help you achieve the justice you deserve. Speak with us for free today.

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Their firm is the most caring and knowledgeable of any I know. They are prompt with answering questions. They treat you how you want to be treated.
Very polite and professional staff. They are truly there for you and have your best interest at heart. Extremely knowledgeable.
I am so happy that [we] chose this law firm to represent our best interest. The professionalism and knowledge the staff provided went above and beyond.
Glad I chose this firm. They were very helpful and made this process easy and enjoyable! I totally recommend Daggett Shuler!!
Daggett Shuler will get the job done! They helped me when I needed it and they never gave up on my claim. Thanks to you all!
I’m so glad I had this team in my corner, they helped me every step of the way. Great great people to work with, I highly recommend them.

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina

2140 Country Club Rd,
Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Greensboro, North Carolina

3859 Battleground Ave,
Greensboro NC 27410
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You can depend on daggett shuler

Remember, insurance companies are NOT on your side. They put profits over people and act only in their best interest. Our truck accident lawyers will deal with the insurance company on your behalf to get you the maximum compensation. We care about your health and safety, and we’ll work hard to protect your rights and help you get the care and justice you deserve. Contact the experienced North Carolina truck accident attorneys at Daggett Shuler today.